1) Do you have any hobbies/have you had any hobbies?
- Yes. As you can probably guess by now, my current hobbies include nail art, doing makeup and pretty much anything to do with beauty. Oh, and baking also! I tried a few different activities when I was younger, such as judo, floorball, and scouting but I eventually quit them all. Sadly, doing sports isn't really my thing :D
2) Which countries have you visited?
- So far, I've visited five different countries: Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, the UK and Majorca (which is a part of Spain). I'd love to travel more, but unfortunately I can't that often due to lack of money. Luckily, I'll be travelling to Croatia next month and I'm reeeeaaalllyyy excited! I'll be in Dubrovnik for a week, which is super awesome since I'm also a big fan of Game of Thrones, and Dubrovnik is "King's Landing" from GOT ;) Maybe I'll spot some of the Lannisters...
3) Do you consider yourself as a pessimist, a realist or an optimist?
- Definitely a pessimist. No matter how hard I try, it's always extremely difficult for me to see the bright side, no matter what I'm dealing with. But I can proudly say that I'm constantly becoming more optimistic and slowly overcoming my pessimism. Because seriously, who wants to sit around worrying all day for things that might not even happen if you decide to do something about them?
4) What kind of music do you like to listen to?
- Easy question: rock or metal. I've always loved heavy songs and the way that listening to them makes me feel. Some might say that the music I listen to feels depressing, but actually it makes me really happy and not at all sad! Of course I do listen to some mainstream hits occasionally, but mainly I stick to heavier music. Here are some of my current favorite songs:
5) One thing that you're proud of in your life?
- Well that's difficult.. I don't really know, but maybe just the fact that I've been able to overcome some hard situations, like being bullied. Even though that time in my life totally sucked, I'm stronger now because of it.
6) What is your morning routine like?
- At the moment since I don't have school anymore, my mornings are a lot more relaxed. I wake up anytime after 9am, say hello to my lovely cats (one of them likes to jump on me and walk around until I get up..) and then go to the kitchen. I have some breakfast, like banana pancakes or a couple of peaces of rye bread and berries. Then I change my clothes, open my computer and that's about it :D If I'm going somewhere that day, I'll wash my face and do my makeup after breakfast. Yup, my mornings are quite boring.
7) What's your favorite animal?
- Cat - enough said. I also adore pandas.
8) Where do you see yourself in five years time?
- Hopefully I'll have a degree in beauty/makeup by then, and also a place to work at. Also, I'm hoping to live together with my boyfriend by then :D
9) What skill would you like to learn?
- I'd love to be able to speak Quenya (the elvish language from the Lord of the Rings) :D Or something a bit more realistic, like Japanese. Doing winged eyeliner without any mistakes would also be great...
10) What's your favorite perfume?
- "Love Generation Pink" by Jeanne Arthes. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find it anywhere in Finland for the past couple of years :(
11) Have you ever climbed trees?
- YES! That was my favorite thing to do as a child :D I'd be outside climbing for a few hours and then come home with my clothes all dirty and ripped (my mom wasn't too happy about that..). Anyways, I loved climbing when I was younger. Luckily I never injured myself :D
I hope you found my answers interesting..or amusing. This was so much fun to do, thanks Rosa! If any of you would like to answer these questions, feel free to do so! :)